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Online Giving

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We do not talk about giving much at Anchor Church.  We have some financial needs and there are some things we would like to do if our financial capacity increases, but God always has and always will provide.  Nevertheless, according to the Bible, faithfully giving to God is part of what it means to faithfully follow Jesus Christ.  We have included a few thoughts about God-centered giving below.  If you choose to give to Anchor Church, thank you very much.  Clicking on the button above will take you to our PayPal account.  They deduct 3% from the total amount donated.  If you want your entire gift to be tax deductible, please mail a check.  We will use the resources to glorify God and proclaim eternal, never-failing, gospel-saturated, Jesus-centered joy. 

If you choose to give to a different ministry, thank you for following Jesus well.   

To God be the glory forever and ever.  

God-centered giving is expected.

God commanded it in the Old Testament.  Jesus taught about it in the New Testament.  The Apostles insisted upon it in the Early Church.  God wants all of you, not just your money or resources…but he still wants your money and resources.

God-centered giving is cheerful.

2 Corinthians 9:6-7 says that “God loves a cheerful giver.”  Reluctant giving in order to be faithful is better than disobediently not giving at all, but it is far better to give cheerfully and with great joy.  Cheerful giving glorifies God because it demonstrates that our joy and delight are found in Him rather than our stuff.

God-centered giving is generous.

Jews in the Old Testament were commanded to give 10% of everything they earned in addition to a series of mandatory offerings and sacrifices every year.  The New Testament does not specify how much Christians should give.  However, the Jews in the Old Testament knew much less about God’s plan for salvation in Jesus than we do.  It seems to us that our joy in Christ should compel us to give at least as much as they gave.  Giving 10% of your gross income is a good place to start, but it certainly is not the maximum.

God-centered giving is quiet.

People that give with great fanfare are called hypocrites by Jesus in Matthew 6.  Loud giving distorts the gospel.  It makes us look good and God look marginal.  Quiet giving, on the other hand, glorifies God because the focus is on God rather than on us.

God-centered giving is expectant.

Jesus promises to reward faithful giving in Matthew 6:4.  Similar promises are found throughout the Bible.  Jesus does not promise health, wealth, or material prosperity.  People that teach otherwise are distorting the gospel!  No, Jesus is promising something far bigger and far better than health, wealth, or stuff.  He is promising us more of Himself because He is the ultimate treasure.   

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The Anchor is a missional community located in the Boothbay Region. We are a church planting church, committed to Jesus' Great Commandment and Great Commission. 


Meeting Place:

Rotary Club in Boothbay

66 Montgomery Road

Boothbay Harbor, ME 04538

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